What started it all!!

What started it all!!

Growing up I didn’t have the best childhood. Fortunately my biological parents were married but that didn’t mean we lived a fairy tale life. My father was my heart, a man of structure and morals that served him well in the military. My mom on the other hand was what you would consider a functioning addict. You can imagine we weren’t that close. Due to my mom’s possession of drugs while living on base, my dad was honorably discharged from the military, causing grief, animosity, and eventually a divorce. My dad was from Fresno, California my mother was from Savannah GA. When my parents divorced my father left Savannah for Fresno leaving behind my sisters and I to be raised by a single mom still struggling with drug addiction, heroine to be exact. This was a big mistake on my dad’s part. I was sexually abused by men, exposed to drugs during my childhood, my mom would have sex with strangers in the same room as my sister and I as we watched! She’d get so high she would pass out leaving my sister and I (ages 5 & 6) to fend for ourselves. I grew up without self love, self respect, loyalty to others and a big appetite for sex! I didn’t understand why I was the way I was. I didn’t take care of my body at all but was blessed to have avoided contracting stds such as HIV and so on. I eventually decided I did't want my past to define me and sculpt me into someone who was nothing more than a victom of a harsh life. This created my goal to live life at my personal highest despite my upbringing. Years later my sister came to me telling me she had to have a hysterectomy due to overgrown fibroids. By this time in my life I was on a ongoing journey of healthier eating habits and looking into various self healing processes to recover from my traumatic childhood. This lead to me being eager to search for a solution in this area that I knew little about for the sake of my sister’s recovery as well. I researched for natural ways to heal the body prior and remembered something about herbal detoxing but couldn’t remember much about it. I eventually found and spoke to the founder of YoniPearls, the first person to introduce a patented vaginal detox to the United States! I purchased my sister and I a kit along with a consultation and began our journey. The detox caused us to have a few breakouts in the beginning that scared me but my research informed me that this would happen and that it was our body’s way of riding it’s toxins. Eventually the outbreaks stopped, and once I felt and saw the pearls working for the both of us I knew I had to share it with the world! I took the required classes the founder required and became certified womb healer and distributor. Now I’m hear to help others with womb trauma and other forms of elevated living that I’ve learned during my journey of living at my highest.